The system is really quite simple. Just right one action item (task, to-do, etc.) onto one card and slide it into the organizer. Repeat for every item you have to do. Now with all those items laid out infront of you, just move the 'hot items' up in the slot and move the 'cooler' items lower. Now your priority list for that day are easily seen. When a task is finished, just remove the card, flip it around and slide it back into the sleeve. The card is now ready for you to write your next item.
What this system really does, is eliminate things falling through the cracks. If something is not done, it is still there in the organizer. Just like in real life, the to-do has not gone away. If every action item is recorded in this system, then you eliminate forgetting, eliminate over looking something, eliminate lists that have to be rewritten, and eliminate notes written/scattered all over the place.
- The system has a very low price for entry. (A+)
- Has organizer sheets that can go into an existing day-planner. (A)
- Note that this system does not work well as a scheduler for events. It can't replace your calendar, but is does beat all the other task/to-do list managers out there.
ScanCard System's website: (This Link now appears to be selling a 9-11 music CD.)
UPDATE: It appears the business has gone under as their online presence has disappeared. I'll keep looking and post up anything I find. If you know if they got bought out, or renamed their company, please post a reply to this message. Thank you. Here is a link to patant #4571867